Clipper On Line • Ver Tópico - Livrarias graficas

Livrarias graficas

Projeto MiniGui - Biblioteca visual para Harbour/xHarbour

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Livrarias graficas

Mensagempor Adalberto » 14 Ago 2010 13:26

Boa tarde amigos deste foro

Há dois meses que já consegui migrar para xHb modo consola, agora desejo provar as bondades das GUI, aqui e onde necessito da ajuda de vocês, ¿de donde posso baixar minigui ou OOHG ou alguma outra livraria gráfica?

Muito agradecido, Deus seja com vocês.
Usuário Nível 3

Usuário Nível 3
Mensagens: 343
Data de registro: 01 Set 2007 01:09
Cidade/Estado: Santa Cruz de la Sierra - Bolivia
Curtiu: 0 vez
Mens.Curtidas: 12 vezes

Re: Livrarias graficas

Mensagempor alxsts » 14 Ago 2010 23:47


Saludos hermano.
Para descargar Mini GUI. Después carrega la "Tab" Download/insatalação.
Alexandre Santos (AlxSts)

Mensagens: 2945
Data de registro: 12 Ago 2008 15:50
Cidade/Estado: São Paulo-SP-Brasil
Curtiu: 21 vezes
Mens.Curtidas: 248 vezes

Re: Livrarias graficas

Mensagempor Adalberto » 15 Ago 2010 23:48

Alexandre Santos

Grato PE ajuda fornecida, consegui baixar, e instalar a vercao 3.5 de HMG mais não se como compilar nem o “alo mundo”, por favor, me disse como fazer isso? Muito obrigado.

Estarei à espera da suas noticias.
Eis meu desejo e minha oração que nosso pai dos céus de para vocês copiosas chuvas de bendições.
Usuário Nível 3

Usuário Nível 3
Mensagens: 343
Data de registro: 01 Set 2007 01:09
Cidade/Estado: Santa Cruz de la Sierra - Bolivia
Curtiu: 0 vez
Mens.Curtidas: 12 vezes

Re: Livrarias graficas

Mensagempor alxsts » 16 Ago 2010 09:31


na pasta principal da MiniGUI tem um arquivo chamado Build.Bat. Execute-o, passando como parâmetro o nome do teu Prg.

Veja também os exemplos contidos na pasta Samples, que são muito ricos. Estão separados em sub-pastas, por tipo de componente.
Alexandre Santos (AlxSts)

Mensagens: 2945
Data de registro: 12 Ago 2008 15:50
Cidade/Estado: São Paulo-SP-Brasil
Curtiu: 21 vezes
Mens.Curtidas: 248 vezes

Re: Livrarias graficas

Mensagempor Adalberto » 16 Ago 2010 14:01

Alexandre Santos

Mais uma vês, obrigado por a ajuda, te comento que baixei varias versões de HMG e não vem nelas a pasta PATCH a qual chama o arquivo Compile.bat será que o senhor pode me fornecer essa pasta?

Aguardo suas noticias, agradecido.

Bendições para você.
Usuário Nível 3

Usuário Nível 3
Mensagens: 343
Data de registro: 01 Set 2007 01:09
Cidade/Estado: Santa Cruz de la Sierra - Bolivia
Curtiu: 0 vez
Mens.Curtidas: 12 vezes

Re: Livrarias graficas

Mensagempor alxsts » 16 Ago 2010 14:47


Na minha instalação da HMG também não tem a pasta BATCH. O arquivo compile.bat existe em algumas pastas mas faz referência à pasta BATCH que não existe:
- C:\hmg\HFCL\Source

Eu costumo usar o Buil.bat que mencionei.
@echo off


rem ***************************************************************************
rem HMG 3.0 Build batch
rem Roberto Lopez (2009.10.22)
rem ***************************************************************************

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Set variables
rem ***************************************************************************

set AppHmgVer=""
Set HmgPath=%~dp0

set /p HmgVer=<%HmgPath%\version.txt
echo %hmgver%

if exist hmgver.dat set /p AppHmgVer=<hmgver.dat

echo %AppHmgVer%

Set Path=%HmgPath%\util;%HmgPath%\mingw\bin;%HmgPath%\harbour\bin;

Set Resources=%HmgPath%\resources\hmg.o

set GT=-gtgui
set DEBUG=""
set RUN=.T.
set MT=

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Syntax:
rem   Build [/i|/r|/d|/cs|/ci/cr] <PrgFile> | <filelist.hbp> [config.hbc]
rem   [/i] : incremental build
rem   [/r] : incremental build (rebuild all)
rem   [/cs] : Console/mixed mode (std build)
rem   [/ci] : Console/mixed mode (incremental build)
rem   [/cr] : Console/mixed mode (incremental rebuild all)
rem   [/d] : Debug mode (gui and console)
rem   <filelist.hbm> : A text file with .hbp extension containing a source list
rem   <configfile.hbc>: A text file with configuration parameters as additional
rem   libs, include paths and lib paths.
rem      <configfile.hbc> Syntax:
rem      incpaths = incpath1 incpath2 ... incpathn
rem      libpaths = libpath1 libpath2 ... libpathn
rem      libs = lib1 lib2 ... libn
rem   - library names must not include 'lib' prefix nor '.a' extension.
rem   - build.bat will create an 'error.log' file in the app folder when build
rem   process ends with an error condition.
rem ***************************************************************************


echo building...

if exist hbmk.log del hbmk.log
if exist windres.log del windres.log
if exist error.log del error.log
if exist _hmg_resconfig.h del _hmg_resconfig.h

rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Parameters Processing
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

rem ***************************************************************************
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="" goto syntax
if "%1"=="/?" goto syntax
if "%1"=="-?" goto syntax
if "%1"=="/h" goto syntax
if "%1"=="/H" goto syntax
if "%1"=="-h" goto syntax
if "%1"=="-H" goto syntax
if "%1"=="-help" goto syntax
if "%1"=="-HELP" goto syntax

rem ***************************************************************************
rem No run after build
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/n" goto norun
if "%1"=="/N" goto norun


rem ***************************************************************************
rem Multi Thread
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/mt" goto multithread
if "%1"=="/MT" goto multithread


rem ***************************************************************************
rem Console Incremental Rebuild
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/cr" goto consoleincrebuild
if "%1"=="/CR" goto consoleincrebuild

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Console Incremental
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/ci" goto consoleincremental
if "%1"=="/CI" goto consoleincremental

rem ***************************************************************************
rem GUI Incremental Rebuild
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/r" goto increbuild
if "%1"=="/R" goto increbuild

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Console Standard Build
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/cs" goto console
if "%1"=="/CS" goto console

rem ***************************************************************************
rem If debug mode specified, use GTWIN and pass -b parameter
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/d" goto debug
if "%1"=="/D" goto debug

rem ***************************************************************************
rem If /i parameter rceived set BUILDTYPE to incremental
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/i" goto incremental
if "%1"=="/I" goto incremental


if exist %~n1.exe del %~n1.exe

if exist %~n1.exe goto error

rem ***************************************************************************
rem If a resource with the same base name as the first parameter exist compile it
rem ***************************************************************************

if exist %~n1.rc  echo #define HMGRPATH %HmgPath%\RESOURCES > _hmg_resconfig.h

if exist %~n1.rc copy /b %HmgPath%\resources\hmg.rc+%~n1.rc+%HmgPath%\resources\filler _temp.rc >NUL
if exist %~n1.rc redir -e windres.log windres -i _temp.rc -o _temp.o
if exist %~n1.rc Set Resources=_temp.o

rem ***************************************************************************
rem invoke HBMK2
rem ***************************************************************************


redir -eo  hbmk2 -o%~n1.exe %GT% %DEBUG% %MT% %BUILDTYPE% %REBUILDALL% -incpath=%HmgPath%\include -incpath=%CD% -L%HmgPath%\lib -lhmg -lhbmysql -lmysql -lcrypt -ledit -leditex -lgraph -lini -lreport -lhbwin -lhbziparc -lhbmzip -lmsvfw32 -lvfw32 -lsddodbc -lrddsql -lsddmy -lhbodbc -lodbc32 -lhbhpdf -lhbvpdf -lhbmemio -lhbsqlit3 -lsqlite3 -lhbfimage -lhbpgsql -lpq -lhbtip -lhbct -lhbmisc -lhbnetio -lxhb -prgflag=/q -cflag=-O3 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %Resources%  >hbmk.log

goto end

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure increbuild
rem ***************************************************************************


set BUILDTYPE=-inc
set REBUILDALL=-rebuild


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Console
rem ***************************************************************************


set GT=-gtwin


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Debug
rem ***************************************************************************


set GT=-gtwin
set DEBUG=-b

echo Options NoRunAtStartup > Init.cld


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Incremental
rem ***************************************************************************


set BUILDTYPE=-inc -head=native

goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure IncConsole
rem ***************************************************************************


set BUILDTYPE=-inc
set GT=-gtwin


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure IncConsole
rem ***************************************************************************


set BUILDTYPE=-inc
set GT=-gtwin
set REBUILDALL=-rebuild


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure NoRun
rem ***************************************************************************


set RUN=.F.


goto continue0

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Multithread
rem ***************************************************************************


set MT=-mt


goto continue1

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Error
rem ***************************************************************************


echo Can't delete previous %~n1.exe version (still running?) > error.log

goto showlog

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Syntax
rem ***************************************************************************


echo :: Syntax:
echo ::
echo :: "Build [/i|/r|/d|/cs|/ci/cr] <PrgFile> | <filelist.hbp> [config.hbc]"
echo ::
echo :: [/i] : incremental build
echo :: [/r] : incremental build (rebuild all)
echo :: [/cs] : Console/mixed mode (std build)
echo :: [/ci] : Console/mixed mode (incremental build)
echo :: [/cr] : Console/mixed mode (incremental rebuild all)
echo :: [/d] : Debug mode (gui and console)
echo :: filelist.hbm : A text file with .hbp extension containing a source list
echo :: configfile.hbc: A text file with configuration parameters as additional
echo :: libs, include paths and lib paths.
echo ::
echo :: configfile.hbc Syntax:
echo ::
echo :: incpaths = incpath1 incpath2 ... incpathn
echo :: libpaths = libpath1 libpath2 ... libpathn
echo :: libs = lib1 lib2 ... libn
echo ::
echo :: library names must not include 'lib' prefix nor '.a' extension.
echo :: build.bat will create an 'error.log' file in the app folder when build
echo :: process ends with an error condition.
echo :: <.hbc> files in the current folder are automatically processed.
goto stop


rem ***************************************************************************
rem Cleanup
rem ***************************************************************************

rem If build error, create 'error.log' ----------------------------------------

if errorlevel 1 if exist windres.log copy /a windres.log+hbmk.log error.log >nul
if errorlevel 1 if not exist windres.log copy /a hbmk.log error.log >nul

rem If no build error, create 'build.log' ----------------------------------------

if errorlevel 0 if exist windres.log copy /a windres.log+hbmk.log build.log >nul
if errorlevel 0 if not exist windres.log copy /a hbmk.log build.log >nul

rem If no error strip the exe ---------------------------------------------------

if not errorlevel 1 if exist %~n1.exe strip.exe --strip-all %~n1.exe

rem If no error run the exe ---------------------------------------------------

if "%RUN%"==".T." if not errorlevel 1 if exist %~n1.exe %~n1.exe

rem Delete temporary files ----------------------------------------------------

if exist windres.log del windres.log
if exist hbmk.log del hbmk.log
if exist _hmg_resconfig.h del _hmg_resconfig.h

if exist _temp.rc del _temp.rc

if exist _temp.o  del _temp.o

rem Create Version Sign -------------------------------------------------------

echo %hmgver%> hmgver.dat


if exist error.log type error.log
if exist build.log type build.log


Buena suerte!
Alexandre Santos (AlxSts)

Mensagens: 2945
Data de registro: 12 Ago 2008 15:50
Cidade/Estado: São Paulo-SP-Brasil
Curtiu: 21 vezes
Mens.Curtidas: 248 vezes

Re: Livrarias graficas

Mensagempor alxsts » 16 Ago 2010 15:09


O arquivo Compile.Bat correto está na pasta C:\hmg\HFCL\Source
@echo off


rem ***************************************************************************
rem HMG 3.0 Build batch
rem Roberto Lopez (2009.10.22)
rem ***************************************************************************

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Set variables
rem ***************************************************************************

set AppHmgVer=""
Set HmgPath=%~dp0

set /p HmgVer=<%HmgPath%\version.txt
echo %hmgver%

if exist hmgver.dat set /p AppHmgVer=<hmgver.dat

echo %AppHmgVer%

Set Path=%HmgPath%\util;%HmgPath%\mingw\bin;%HmgPath%\harbour\bin;

Set Resources=%HmgPath%\resources\hmg.o

set GT=-gtgui
set DEBUG=""
set RUN=.T.
set MT=

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Syntax:
rem   Build [/i|/r|/d|/cs|/ci/cr] <PrgFile> | <filelist.hbp> [config.hbc]
rem   [/i] : incremental build
rem   [/r] : incremental build (rebuild all)
rem   [/cs] : Console/mixed mode (std build)
rem   [/ci] : Console/mixed mode (incremental build)
rem   [/cr] : Console/mixed mode (incremental rebuild all)
rem   [/d] : Debug mode (gui and console)
rem   <filelist.hbm> : A text file with .hbp extension containing a source list
rem   <configfile.hbc>: A text file with configuration parameters as additional
rem   libs, include paths and lib paths.
rem      <configfile.hbc> Syntax:
rem      incpaths = incpath1 incpath2 ... incpathn
rem      libpaths = libpath1 libpath2 ... libpathn
rem      libs = lib1 lib2 ... libn
rem   - library names must not include 'lib' prefix nor '.a' extension.
rem   - build.bat will create an 'error.log' file in the app folder when build
rem   process ends with an error condition.
rem ***************************************************************************


echo building...

if exist hbmk.log del hbmk.log
if exist windres.log del windres.log
if exist error.log del error.log
if exist _hmg_resconfig.h del _hmg_resconfig.h

rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Parameters Processing
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

rem ***************************************************************************
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="" goto syntax
if "%1"=="/?" goto syntax
if "%1"=="-?" goto syntax
if "%1"=="/h" goto syntax
if "%1"=="/H" goto syntax
if "%1"=="-h" goto syntax
if "%1"=="-H" goto syntax
if "%1"=="-help" goto syntax
if "%1"=="-HELP" goto syntax

rem ***************************************************************************
rem No run after build
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/n" goto norun
if "%1"=="/N" goto norun


rem ***************************************************************************
rem Multi Thread
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/mt" goto multithread
if "%1"=="/MT" goto multithread


rem ***************************************************************************
rem Console Incremental Rebuild
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/cr" goto consoleincrebuild
if "%1"=="/CR" goto consoleincrebuild

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Console Incremental
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/ci" goto consoleincremental
if "%1"=="/CI" goto consoleincremental

rem ***************************************************************************
rem GUI Incremental Rebuild
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/r" goto increbuild
if "%1"=="/R" goto increbuild

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Console Standard Build
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/cs" goto console
if "%1"=="/CS" goto console

rem ***************************************************************************
rem If debug mode specified, use GTWIN and pass -b parameter
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/d" goto debug
if "%1"=="/D" goto debug

rem ***************************************************************************
rem If /i parameter rceived set BUILDTYPE to incremental
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/i" goto incremental
if "%1"=="/I" goto incremental


if exist %~n1.exe del %~n1.exe

if exist %~n1.exe goto error

rem ***************************************************************************
rem If a resource with the same base name as the first parameter exist compile it
rem ***************************************************************************

if exist %~n1.rc  echo #define HMGRPATH %HmgPath%\RESOURCES > _hmg_resconfig.h

if exist %~n1.rc copy /b %HmgPath%\resources\hmg.rc+%~n1.rc+%HmgPath%\resources\filler _temp.rc >NUL
if exist %~n1.rc redir -e windres.log windres -i _temp.rc -o _temp.o
if exist %~n1.rc Set Resources=_temp.o

rem ***************************************************************************
rem invoke HBMK2
rem ***************************************************************************


redir -eo  hbmk2 -o%~n1.exe %GT% %DEBUG% %MT% %BUILDTYPE% %REBUILDALL% -incpath=%HmgPath%\include -incpath=%CD% -L%HmgPath%\lib -lhmg -lhbmysql -lmysql -lcrypt -ledit -leditex -lgraph -lini -lreport -lhbwin -lhbziparc -lhbmzip -lmsvfw32 -lvfw32 -lsddodbc -lrddsql -lsddmy -lhbodbc -lodbc32 -lhbhpdf -lhbvpdf -lhbmemio -lhbsqlit3 -lsqlite3 -lhbfimage -lhbpgsql -lpq -lhbtip -lhbct -lhbmisc -lhbnetio -lxhb -prgflag=/q -cflag=-O3 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %Resources%  >hbmk.log

goto end

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure increbuild
rem ***************************************************************************


set BUILDTYPE=-inc
set REBUILDALL=-rebuild


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Console
rem ***************************************************************************


set GT=-gtwin


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Debug
rem ***************************************************************************


set GT=-gtwin
set DEBUG=-b

echo Options NoRunAtStartup > Init.cld


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Incremental
rem ***************************************************************************


set BUILDTYPE=-inc -head=native

goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure IncConsole
rem ***************************************************************************


set BUILDTYPE=-inc
set GT=-gtwin


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure IncConsole
rem ***************************************************************************


set BUILDTYPE=-inc
set GT=-gtwin
set REBUILDALL=-rebuild


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure NoRun
rem ***************************************************************************


set RUN=.F.


goto continue0

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Multithread
rem ***************************************************************************


set MT=-mt


goto continue1

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Error
rem ***************************************************************************


echo Can't delete previous %~n1.exe version (still running?) > error.log

goto showlog

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Syntax
rem ***************************************************************************


echo :: Syntax:
echo ::
echo :: "Build [/i|/r|/d|/cs|/ci/cr] <PrgFile> | <filelist.hbp> [config.hbc]"
echo ::
echo :: [/i] : incremental build
echo :: [/r] : incremental build (rebuild all)
echo :: [/cs] : Console/mixed mode (std build)
echo :: [/ci] : Console/mixed mode (incremental build)
echo :: [/cr] : Console/mixed mode (incremental rebuild all)
echo :: [/d] : Debug mode (gui and console)
echo :: filelist.hbm : A text file with .hbp extension containing a source list
echo :: configfile.hbc: A text file with configuration parameters as additional
echo :: libs, include paths and lib paths.
echo ::
echo :: configfile.hbc Syntax:
echo ::
echo :: incpaths = incpath1 incpath2 ... incpathn
echo :: libpaths = libpath1 libpath2 ... libpathn
echo :: libs = lib1 lib2 ... libn
echo ::
echo :: library names must not include 'lib' prefix nor '.a' extension.
echo :: build.bat will create an 'error.log' file in the app folder when build
echo :: process ends with an error condition.
echo :: <.hbc> files in the current folder are automatically processed.
goto stop


rem ***************************************************************************
rem Cleanup
rem ***************************************************************************

rem If build error, create 'error.log' ----------------------------------------

if errorlevel 1 if exist windres.log copy /a windres.log+hbmk.log error.log >nul
if errorlevel 1 if not exist windres.log copy /a hbmk.log error.log >nul

rem If no build error, create 'build.log' ----------------------------------------

if errorlevel 0 if exist windres.log copy /a windres.log+hbmk.log build.log >nul
if errorlevel 0 if not exist windres.log copy /a hbmk.log build.log >nul

rem If no error strip the exe ---------------------------------------------------

if not errorlevel 1 if exist %~n1.exe strip.exe --strip-all %~n1.exe

rem If no error run the exe ---------------------------------------------------

if "%RUN%"==".T." if not errorlevel 1 if exist %~n1.exe %~n1.exe

rem Delete temporary files ----------------------------------------------------

if exist windres.log del windres.log
if exist hbmk.log del hbmk.log
if exist _hmg_resconfig.h del _hmg_resconfig.h

if exist _temp.rc del _temp.rc

if exist _temp.o  del _temp.o

rem Create Version Sign -------------------------------------------------------

echo %hmgver%> hmgver.dat


if exist error.log type error.log
if exist build.log type build.log

Alexandre Santos (AlxSts)

Mensagens: 2945
Data de registro: 12 Ago 2008 15:50
Cidade/Estado: São Paulo-SP-Brasil
Curtiu: 21 vezes
Mens.Curtidas: 248 vezes

Livrarias graficas

Mensagempor Pablo César » 11 Mai 2012 11:28

Desculpem por ressuscitar o tópico.

Adalberto escreveu: baixei varias versões de HMG e não vem nelas a pasta PATCH a qual chama o arquivo Compile.bat
Na verdade você quis dizer a pasta BATCH. Vou esclarecer isto. O que o colega Alexandre indicou na primeira mensagem dele foi um blog onde indicaria os links de downloads (agora esse link está quase sem efeito). Como você disse, que instalou HMG, deve ser porque acho esse link. Essa pasta BATCH pertence ao MiniGUI (HMG Extended, do autor Grigory Filatov) e o que você baixou é da HMG (produto similar, mas que é do Roberto Lopez, que é o mestre que originou o HMG). Na pasta do HMG (seguido da versão que você instalou, pelo que você falou é a 3.0.35) portanto na pasta C:\hmg.3.0.35 tem o Build.bat que serve para compilar os fontes.
O que eu aconselho Adalberto, não sei se você já tem conseguido compilar com HMG, mas vai a dica: utilize a IDE dessa versão 3.0.35 que você poderá setar para compilar em modo console (é mais prático, ao menos para mim foi).

Obs.: Muitos confundem MiniGUI com HMG que são produtos similares, aliás tem muito em comum.

Para baixar as versões da HMG oficial é neste site:
Um clip-abraço !

Pablo César Arrascaeta
Compartilhe suas dúvidas e soluções com todos os colegas aqui do fórum.
Evite enviar as dúvidas técnicas por MPs ou eMails, assim todos iremos beneficiar-nos.
Avatar de usuário

Pablo César
Usuário Nível 7

Usuário Nível 7
Mensagens: 5312
Data de registro: 31 Mai 2006 10:22
Cidade/Estado: Curitiba - Paraná
Curtiu: 142 vezes
Mens.Curtidas: 152 vezes

Livrarias graficas

Mensagempor Adalberto » 19 Mai 2012 22:19

Hola Pablo,

Gracias por estar pendiente de los temas. Ya estoy produciendo con MiniGui Ext (Grigory Filatov), V 2.1.1, ya tengo dos sistemas desarrolados y, gracias a Dios, vendidos. utilizando esa muy buena herramienta.


[] Adalberto
Usuário Nível 3

Usuário Nível 3
Mensagens: 343
Data de registro: 01 Set 2007 01:09
Cidade/Estado: Santa Cruz de la Sierra - Bolivia
Curtiu: 0 vez
Mens.Curtidas: 12 vezes

Livrarias graficas

Mensagempor Pablo César » 19 Mai 2012 22:50

Que bien colega ! Me alegro mucho que esté dominando Minigui. Siempre há sido un gosto atender a usted.

Un grande abrazo !
Um clip-abraço !

Pablo César Arrascaeta
Compartilhe suas dúvidas e soluções com todos os colegas aqui do fórum.
Evite enviar as dúvidas técnicas por MPs ou eMails, assim todos iremos beneficiar-nos.
Avatar de usuário

Pablo César
Usuário Nível 7

Usuário Nível 7
Mensagens: 5312
Data de registro: 31 Mai 2006 10:22
Cidade/Estado: Curitiba - Paraná
Curtiu: 142 vezes
Mens.Curtidas: 152 vezes

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